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Carington House
Carington House

Carington House

Spandrel Interactive inc. 免费 0.00 2024-02-23

"EN" 4+ 2022-05-03T16:59:13Z 冒险家庭聚会教育游戏


Carington House介绍

It’s your first day on the job as a nursing home Resident Attendant! Put your caregiving skills to the test by helping the residents of Carington House with special tasks. Collect all the golden puzzle pieces and let Calvin, Jerry and the Senior Squad teach you a thing or two about life in a nursing home while you’re at it. Interesting people, challenging job…an inspiring story around every corner!

版本更新内容:The ability to enter a save code to pick up where you left off, as well as improved controls, optimization, and various bug fixes.

Carington House截图

  • Carington House截图1
  • Carington House截图2
  • Carington House截图3
  • Carington House截图4
  • Carington House截图5
  • Carington House截图6
  • 冒险
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