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Readiness Advisor
Readiness Advisor

Readiness Advisor

Silicon Valley Exercise Analytics 免费 0.00 2024-03-14

"EN" 4+ 2023-09-26T00:55:42Z 体育健康健美


Readiness Advisor介绍

Are you a professional or amateur athlete, looking to better manage your workouts and recovery? Our app provides clear, daily recommendations on how hard you should train, based on your responses to a simple series of questions.

SVEXA's Readiness Advisor app uses proprietary algorithms to predict stress, load and recovery. Athletes are provided with clear notifications when they are approaching potentially harmful or suboptimal training. This functionality integrates with other SVEXA solutions such as Ellida, Player Passport and IRMA.

版本更新内容:- Bugfixes\n- Proper ratings format sent to backend

Readiness Advisor截图

  • Readiness Advisor截图1
  • Readiness Advisor截图2
  • 体育
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