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AI Chess!
AI Chess!

AI Chess!

Parth Dhakan 免费 0.00 2024-01-17

"EN" 4+ 2021-04-09T15:14:12Z 桌面游戏策略


AI Chess!介绍

AI Chess Supports four game modes?

:- Human vs Human

:- Human vs AI

:- AI vs Humans

:- AI vs AI

This app is programmed in such a way that when You make a move on the board, and the AI calculates all the possibilities and guesses and plays a response, and back and forth until one player resigns.

Isn't it Simple yet so amazing and powerful.


AI Chess!截图

  • AI Chess!截图1
  • AI Chess!截图2
  • AI Chess!截图3
  • 桌面
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